Interior Design Stories - Robyn Monahan - 561.243.3888

The Art of Renovations: Breathing New Life into Homes

Interior Designer - Robyn Monahan - Design Journal

I thrive on the excitement that comes with home renovations. Each project is unique, and each client is unique. Depending on the era in which the home was built and the specific desires of my client. The goal is always to infuse the home with modern luxuries and updates that reflect today's world. 

I’m starting a Design Journal to show you some of these great transformations we do and we’ll update it often.  

A Challenging Last-Minute Project

in Kitchen Dining Delray Beach

During the holidays over 10 years ago, this lovely couple had an urgent request to transform their home by February, when their baby was due. This was a big ask! The house had small, odd rooms downstairs. But I saw the vision the first time I walked in. They needed the home suitable for a newborn and a family lifestyle. Although I usually avoid taking on additional projects during such a busy time, But I felt compelled to help.

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